Well, we are 1 month into 2017. Time certainly flies. Hope you all enjoyed your holidays and are enjoying the year, so far.
My husband and I traveled up to Edwards, NY, the day after Christmas, to visit his family until after the New Year. It was magical, as always. Found several... ok, a lot... of future Bits & Bobs in the local antique shops. Since our return, I have been trying to get my studio organized, list things on Etsy, rework my web site and other social media platforms, and booking some shows. February is going to be chock full (visit the events section for all the shows). Trying to organize a trunk show at a local florist, for March... hope it works out. I'll let you know ;)
We are signed up for another Texas Renaissance Festival season... The 2017 season will include an extra weekend (9 weekends total) added to the beginning... we will start the weekend of September 29th/October 30th. We, also, received confirmation that we will be able to keep our location.... we will be adding a cedar shake roof to the shop. This will reduce the concern of rain drenching my shop (my roof is a Sunbrella canvas, at the moment and is prone to leaking). Stay tuned for progress photos :)
Well, I'm off to the studio to get some pieces made for all of the shows (check out where you can find me in the "Events" part of my web site. I wish you all the best the New Year has to offer and I hope to see you at some of my shows. <3