Time for an update...
We are getting down to the wire... 2 1/2 months until opening day of Ren Faire. WOW! Where is the time going????
A couple of weeks ago my husband, a couple of friends and I went out to my brother's property to cut some timber to build my booth. We are using ash trees for the support structure. It was a very hot and humid day... but very satisfying. Now, we wait for the timber to dry... Can't wait to start putting it all together.
I have changed up the incentives... I think they are much better. I will have some images of the tshirts and canvas bags soon. They are going to be AWESOME! You can check them out here: http://www.gofundme.com/lr58sk
I have been busy doing a few shows the last couple of months... They haven't been very successful, but that's the way it goes... You never know.
I got all of my pieces listed in my Etsy shop... It seemed to take forever, but it is done. You can check it out here: www.etsy.com/shop/LorrainesBitsAndBobs
Thanks, again!!