the way to the RenFest
I took a chance.... I was told about a new area opening up in The Texas Renaissance Festival, called Old Florence Market. With much encouragement from friends and family, I sent in my application and I was accepted to be a merchant at the 2015 Ren Fest! How exciting!!! And, daunting... While I am thrilled for this opportunity, I'm scared to death about having the money needed to really make it happen. money for supplies to make products, cash wrap sundries, business cards, insurance, building my booth, etc... It's a lot when you don't have extra income. But, if it's meant to be.... it shall be... right?
I truly am very excited about being a part of the largest Ren Fest in the USA... If you feel so inclined to help... I have set up a GoFundMe account with some pretty cool incentives. Follow this link:
More later :)